December 17 206

This is the health group at Swearing In Ceremony which officially makes us Peace Corps Volunteers.

Me and Casey showing off our 'traditional African' ensemble with a Jimmy Buffet twist : )

Me, Casey and my two moms at the Ceremony (Fanta and Madame Singai)

This is a few students getting punished with push-ups. I think they don't mind the push-ups as much as they do that it gets their school uniforms dirty which means they have to wash them when they get home - dirty uniforms is an absolute no-no

The 'teacher's lounge' at the Pitoa High School - Thought you'd appreciate that mom and Kristi!

My group painting the trashcans we helped the high school get since they didn't have any.

The finished product!

These are the canneries they collect and store water in - and the women carry these on their heads!!!

This is how they manually shell peanuts!

Typical house here - this is my neighbor's house

Your local McDonalds drive-thru...this is the 'bean lady' where I buy my morning breakfast sac of beans!
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